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           Ian went to Dalejr as soon as he got back to town. Even though he knew she wouldn't be there, he couldn't wait at the lodge. When he was on his way back to the lodge late at night, a group of men approached him. He recognized one of the men in front as the person from the ❡ℑℑ group that was with the captain. He was against the thought of letting Ian go, since he used to be part of the trafficking organization. And judging from their looks they weren't here to talk to him.

"We seem to have some questions for you, can you come with us?" said the guy in front. "It's late. I will come over tomorrow," said Ian. "Looks like he is refusing to cooperate with us," said one of the guys. "It seems more like he is still working for the organization," said another one. "It seems like he is running away and that's why we had to rough him up a bit," said another one with a creepy smile on his face. Ian tried to move but seemed to be stuck in place, as if something was holding him in place.

"Don't bother you won't be able to get out of it. It's a special type of ∰ that is used to contain beings like you," said the guy in front. "Struggle all you want, you won't be able to break free from the ∰ restraint," said another man. Ian didn't know how long it had been since they started beating him. All he knew was that he was about to pass out.

"Told you we should have hurried up," came a woman's voice. "I didn't think they would go this far. I mean disobeying that one's orders," came a guys voice. "Well, they don't know who's order, right," came a younger man's voice.

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