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              When Celest started showing off and pretending to be nice, the others wanted to speak up. But Vincent stopped them. "Why won't you let me say anything?" asked Nina when Celest started mouthing off as to how she was trying to teach Eumi. "Haven't you all noticed. How the others have kept quiet even though they are so protective of her. Even Adrian is keeping quiet. You know how angry he got when we said anything about her yet he listened to her and kept silent," said Vincent. "They are weird," said Gin. "Finally, ℥enji is here. He will say something to her," said Nina when ℥enji got there. "Where did he come from?" asked Haley. "What do they mean swore their allegiance to her?" asked Gin. "Don't, they are not simple people," said Nina. "Quiet," said Vincent eyeing them.

"I don't like her," said ⨊ miffed. "Don't worry. I don't like her either. We will take care of her and her little followers," said ℥enji patting ⨊'s back to calm her down. "What do mean? I'll let you know my father is someone not to be messed with. If you make me angry, I'll tell him about you all. And you won't be allowed to live in this city," said Celest.

A man appeared next to ℥enji and bowed to him. "Take care of her and her little friends. Her family as well," said ℥enji. ⧚Get rid of them, I don't want to see them alive.⧚ he added. "Yes," A group of people similar to the first one appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them. ⧚Take them all.⧚ he ordered them. "Wait, what are you doing to me? Do you have any idea who I am? When my father finds out, you all will be killed," said Celest. "Do you think you can get away with this? We are surrounded by guards," she added.

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