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               "Why are you all here?" asked David. "I could ask you the same thing," said Leah. "℥enji told us that we could take a break," said Janet. "We just chose this place for our vacation, that's all," said Leah. "We all had the same thoughts," said Rick. "I want to see if he will remember and what he plans to do if he gets his memory back," said Jason.

The next few days they watched Ian go about his day absentmindedly. "Ian. Hi, I'm so happy to see you again," said Emma walking towards him with Wes. "Why is she still here?" mumbled Janet to herself. "Do you know her?" asked Leah seeing Janet angry. "She was in the tour group with ⨊ and kept trying to make her look bad since she was interested in Ian herself," said Janet. "Why is she still alive?" asked Rick. "We were in a hurry back then," said Jason. "But we are free now," added Janet. "Wait, let's see how he reacts and what he does," said David stopping the others from showing themselves or doing anything. "Isn't this a good way for us to test him, while still abiding by the rules?" added David. "If he takes a liking to her..." said Rick getting annoyed. "We are still going to kill her for treating ⨊ that way. We are just using her to test Ian first, that's all," said David.

"Do I know you?" asked Ian. "If you don't want to talk..." "I was in an accident and my memory has been fuzzy ever since then," said Ian with a smile interrupting Wes. "You don't remember anything that happened on the tour?" asked Emma. "I don't. But since you were with me on the tour, I was wondering if you could fill me in on the things that happened," said Ian with a smile. "If your free, that is. It would really be helpful to me," he added.

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