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               "What about Ian?" asked Jason. "What about him?" asked ⨊ looking at Jason with a cold gaze. "Are you not going to meet him again? I don't mean to pry, but...I mean he does love you," said Janet in a small voice. "He doesn't love me. He only thinks he does. You of all should know how beings like him are or did you forget and end up believing his words?" asked ⨊ watching them.

"He was born into a dark world with no light and no way of escaping it. You know how beings like that are when they see a ray of light. A person who accepts them for who they are, what they do or give them a way to escape their life. They grab onto it with all their might and will do anything to hold onto that light. They even develop emotions or become obsessed with that person in order to hold onto that light. But when they are finally free from that life, the so-called emotions that they felt for that person disappears as well. He is the same as everyone else. He will soon forget about me," explained ⨊. (Since he is free he will forget about me. Like all the others.)

⨊ put Ian out of her mind and returned to her usual cold self ignoring the slight pain she felt. "Forget about him, he is just a passerby and nothing more. Either focus on the work or leave," said ⨊ in a cold voice, her usual voice. "Sorry," they said simultaneously, focusing on the task at hand. As they left Woodspell, ⨊ subconsciously took a glance at the place that was now in the distance.

⧚Are you ok?⧚ asked the guy walking out of the shadows. ⧚Of course, why wouldn't I be?⧚ asked ⨊. ⧚It's ok to miss him and want to stay with him. It's ok to want to believe him.⧚ ⧚You talk too much.⧚ said ⨊ annoyed. He wanted to tell her that Ian may end up being like him, that he may end up staying by her side like he did, but instead he talked about work, helping her distract herself.

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