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            ⨊ watched Kian for a few minutes before giving him the globe. Kian looked at it and looked her. ⧚I don't understand what it is.⧚ he said sitting next to her. ⨊ touched his hand and the side of the globe. Kian felt the globe heat up and saw the colors change, turning into beautiful images of sights and creatures. "Its cause she can't go out when she is injured and can't feel any kind of warmth," said ℥enji when he saw Kian's surprised face. ⧚What do you mean she can't feel any warmth?⧚ asked Kian handing back the globe to ⨊. "Just like I said. ⨊ can't feel another beings warm body or warm energy," said ℥enji. ⧚But she told me I felt warm to her.⧚

"⨊ is Kian warm? I mean can you feel his warmth?" asked ℥enji. ⨊ looked at ℥enji with a puzzled expression then glanced at Kian. ⨊ reached out to touch Kian, but hesitated since he was hurt. ⧚It's ok, you can touch me. I won't get hurt if you're touching me.⧚ said Kian stretching out his hand to ⨊. ⨊ gently touched his hand for a few minutes before becoming surprised at the warmth she could feel coming from him. ⨊ subconsciously got closer to Kian, sitting next to him. Watching ⨊'s excited expression, the others realized that what Kian just said was true.

Kian could feel ⨊ wanting to get closer, but not knowing how. ⧚Here. You can sit here if you want.⧚ said Kian putting ⨊ on his lap. Kian saw her frowning at his wounds. ⧚It doesn't hurt instead I feel happy with you this close to me. You feel warm to me too.⧚ he said embracing her. ⨊ wanted to tell him that he was lying when he said she was warm but ignored it. After a few minutes, ⨊ calmed down and went back to looking at the globe in her hand while sitting on Kian's lap. In his warm embrace.

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