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          Three hours later the tour reached a place called Woodspell. Woodspell was a place just as the name implied. It was a wooded area with streams, meek wildlife and beautiful greenery. Everyone got off the carriage excited about the tour. Emma pranced towards Ian while chatting excitedly with her friends. Emma introduced two of her friends and the two men who the girls had gotten to know on the carriage.

Bob started talking about all the rules. I.e. Stay close to the group, don't wander off, everyone was responsible for their own belongings. Bob told us that there were many good places that he knew about where we could camp. Dan was brought along by Bob to help with the tour. He would take care of catching and preparing the meals for the group. Dan was a lanky guy and looked like he was in his mid twenties.

The tour was a hike around Woodspell's popular sights, that lasted two weeks. It was decided that the group would camp every night. Hike, if everyone was ok or stay in one area a bit longer if they wanted. Bob led everyone on a trail leading into the forest. Bob pointed out many different places and told everyone about the history, the old wives tales or why it was popular. The girls in the group were chatty and kept asking questions. The guys wanted to go hunting with Dan and were eager to reach the campsite. By evening we had reached our first campsite.

The place Bob had decided to settle down was a basic site. The ground was dry and hard, with trees surrounding it and a clearing in the middle. The girls were screaming and running around as the guys were teasing them with bugs that they had found. One of the guys tried teasing ⨊ with it, but stopped when he saw it had no effect on her and saw her gloomy expression. He went back about teasing the other girls. Ian stood next to ⨊ watching the others play around.

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