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         During the two hundred and fifty years it took to wipe out the NewLife organization and their partners, ⨊ went about searching for any information she could find out about the doctor that took an interest in him. ⨊ had found out from David that the doctor was known as a God amongst his peers and the ones he helped on the surface. He was given the nickname Saint Raph.

The ‛Light' realm also knew of the so-called doctor Raph, but since he was a saint on the surface it was difficult for them to capture him. A certain higher- up in the Light realm supported him, which didn't help either. ⨊ got the higher up imprisoned under one of her names. After being subjected to numerous torture methods, Leah found two places which Saint Raph used as his workplace and the realm where his family used to stay at.

Doctor Raph's workplace was destroyed before ⨊ got to it. Only his son remained out of his entire family, which they found imprisoned for his experimentation on kids. ⨊ went with ℥enji and Jason when they went to interrogate doctor Raph. ⨊ found out that Ian was experimented on for two hundred years and that he was discarded when there was nothing left of him, of his sanity or his body.

As ⨊ heard all the details of what Raph's son Frank did to Ian her atmosphere became tranquil, scaring ℥enji. ⨊ got Frank handed over to her people and escorted him to a special cell. The others came along as well when they found out about Frank and everything that he had done to Ian. "Why did you pick him?" asked ⨊. "He was a perfect subject to experiment on. I used to listen to my father talk about him and found out that he was even better than my father had described. My father never put him to full use, not like me...I..."

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