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              The next morning ⨊ found herself sitting at Daleji again, spacing out. ⧚⨊? ⧚ ℥enji looked at ⨊ with a worried expression. ⧚What?⧚ ⧚Why are...⧚ ⧚I'm here to eat.⧚ said ⨊ interrupting ℥enji. ⧚Leave. I want to be alone.⧚ ⧚But its...⧚ ⧚I'll call you if any kind of work comes up.⧚ said ⨊ in a cold voice. ⧚Call me if anything happens.⧚ said ℥enji, knowing that ⨊ wouldn't respond back.

⨊ sat in a daze looking at nothing. (Why am I here when he doesn't even remember me? He won't come. Everything that he had felt for me has disappeared. Its like the Ian I knew doesn't exist...My Ian doesn't exist anymore.) ⨊ decided that she would leave when she had finished eating, but ended up sitting their till night. ⨊ gave up. Deciding to leave this realm she got up and headed for the lodge to meet up with ℥enji. On the way, she ran into Ian. ⨊ froze when she saw him. He was standing in front of her arguing with someone. (Wait, why is Ian arguing with Jason?)

"Jason?" called ⨊ with a puzzled expression. ⧚I'm not interfering or anything. I just thought he should meet you. You have been waiting and wanting to meet him for a year. I'll accept my punishment. But for now, I'll leave you two alone.⧚ said Jason walking off. "Hey, who said you could walk... off?" said Ian staring in the direction Jason had disappeared.

"I told you not to interfere in this matter," said ℥enji appearing beside Jason. Who ran and hid watching ⨊ and Ian. "When did you...I'm sorry. I just couldn't let it be like that. At least now she will know for sure," said Jason lowering his head. "I wanted to be the one who dragged him here," said ℥enji. "And why are you lot here?" he continued looking at Janet, Leah, David and Rick. They had landed up where Ian was. "Guess we all had the same idea," said Rick who was the teen.

"We will be punished for this. You know that right?" said ℥enji. "Its worth it, if she can know once and for all," said Jason. "Same here," chimed in the others simultaneously.

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