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                   ℥enji's expression changed when he felt the change in the surrounding, rushing out of the ௹ace with the others following behind him. "How dare you make a ruckus and prolong my time here," said ⨊ miffed while killing the man. "What's wrong? Did someone bully you or say something to you?" asked ⨊ seeing ℥enji's worried expression, while caressing his head like he was a kid. "Nothing," said ℥enji. "Really?" "Yes, you want to return soon, right," "No, just want this to be over," said ⨊ avoiding ℥enji's eyes.

The others exchanged glances worried about the situation. Suddenly twenty creatures that looked like whales appeared out of nowhere, apparently they had created a dimension rip. A high-level ∰ was used so that no one could move. Everything happened so quickly and everyone was distracted by the creatures, which were each eighty meters big, that the others did not notice the few men hidden amongst the creatures. Before the man's attack could hurt ℥enji, ⨊ caught the attack while undoing the ∰ and closing the dimension rip. But, since she was overworked, she was exhausted and ended up catching the attack with her body getting injured in the process.

As soon as the ∰ was undone, everyone took care of the sudden attack and settled the situation. "⨊ your..." "You're the one who attacked my child. No one is allowed to attack my children," said ⨊ ignoring ℥enji's words, while cruelly killing the guy who attacked ℥enji. "Find out where they popped out from," "Yes," said ℥enji continuing with work. "⨊ you..." "Focus on work," said ⨊ interrupting Jason.

The others got to work with ℥enji, knowing that the only way to help ⨊ and treat her wound soon would be to get the work done as soon as possible. It took quite some time for work to be finished. "Your wound is too deep for you to travel," said ℥enji wrapping the wound. "Its just a small cut don't exaggerate. Beside these pop-ups, prolonged the work," said ⨊. "Today is already the last day of the week," she added in a small voice. The others exchanged glances worriedly. "Fine, but I'm going with you. I'll stay in the shadow, don't worry and I won't peek," added ℥enji before ⨊ could refuse, while rubbing her head like she was a kid.

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