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                Ian woke up in a daze. "Well, look who finally woke up," said a man who had a young voice. When Ian finally focused his sight, he saw three people at the end of the bed he was sleeping on. "Who are you all? Where am I?" asked Ian. "You're in a care unit," answered a man who looked young but had a stern voice. "As for us..." said a young man who looked like he was in his teens, looking at the other two for help. "What do you remember?" asked a woman who looked weak but gave off a dangerous atmosphere. "What is the last thing you remember?" she added seeing Ian's confused look.

"I'm here in Belldale, to go on a tour to Woodspell with a tour group," answered Ian. The other three exchanged glances. "What?" asked Ian. "The tour to Woodspell was almost three weeks ago," answered the man in a stern voice. "Seems like you're missing parts of your memory," said the woman leaving the room. "You don't have to worry. You will be taken care of well over here. As for us, we are just passers-by," said the man in a stern voice leaving the room as well, with the young teen following him.

"He doesn't remember anything that happened. He doesn't even remember her," said the woman getting angry. "Didn't Janet, say he loved her? That he wants to be with her and wanted to stay with her and was possessive of her," she added getting angrier as she spoke. "Maybe it's for the best for both of them if he doesn't remember anything," said the guy in a low voice. "But he said that she was happy when she was with this guy Ian," said the teen. "That's why its better if he forgets now, instead of hurting her later on," said the man. "It just proves that he doesn't deserve her," said the woman angrily. "Remember, its not our place to decide or judge," warned the man. "I know, I just want her to be happy," she said in a low voice.

"We should let that man know, he'll know what to do next," said the man leaving the unit with the others.

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