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           "I know you must have heard the rumors, but I'm not..." "Oh, so you didn't steal my previous boyfriend?" asked Nina interrupting her speech. "Nina, it's not like that. It's not my fault he fell in love with me," said Celest looking pitifully at Adrian. ⧚I should have just killed her.⧚ said Leah. ⧚⨊ wants to know how he will respond to this.⧚ said Janet. ⧚Its a good way to test him out.⧚ said ℥enji watching the situation from afar in the shadows with the others.

"Adrian I..." "Get lost, I'm not interested in you," said Adrian interrupting her. His atmosphere becoming more violent. "Stay away from him," said ⨊ standing in front of Adrian. "Ah! Little girl, are you in love with him. But you are too young for him," said Celest as if she was a big sister teaching her little sister. ⨊ caught Adrian's hand when she felt he was about to speak up, silencing him with a glance. "Why don't you let us grown-ups talk with each other for a bit. My friend has a cousin your age here as well. Why don't you run along and play with him?" said Celest. "Are you interested in her?" asked ⨊ looking at Adrian. "I'm only interested in you," said Adrian holding her. "Stop sprouting non-sense and answer the question," said ⨊ leaving his embrace. "I'm not interested in her or anyone else apart from you," said Adrian in a serious tone.

"Don't get attached to me in any form. I'm only a passerby, nothing more. I'm not going to stay here for much longer," said ⨊. "Did you hear that? He's not interested in you," said ⨊ ignoring Adrian distressed expression. "Even if I'm just a passerby, I'll never let a rotten person like you near him," she added. "You should not do that just because you have a crush on someone. You shouldn't ruin their lives by being spoilt and demand that they do things your way," said Celest.

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