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           "What's wrong?" asked Caren. "Nothing, why?" "Cause you're crying," said Haley. Adrian hadn't noticed that tears were streaming down his face. "Guess, I'm not feeling well. See you tomorrow," saying that he left the group and closed the door behind him. That night Adrian couldn't stop thinking about that girl's voice. It seemed similar to the one in his dreams. A picture of a girl appeared in his mind. He had seen the girl wandering around a few times in the shadows around here before and thought that she was lost at first. Then thought that she was looking for someone, since she appeared so many times. But never thought much about it. Though he did find it odd that she never seemed to age over the years he had seen her. But other than that he never bothered about it. The one in his dream was hazy, he couldn't see her face and could only hear her voice.

He didn't know who she was or how he knew her, but he loved that girl in his dreams. He never told anyone about her or his dreams as if something inside of him told him that it should be a secret, that no one must ever know about her no matter what. Ever since he could remember he has always dreamt about that girl and heard her voice. He wasn't sure of anything and didn't know anything. But the only thing he was sure of was his emotions for her and how much he yearned for her. He was in so much pain whenever he thought about her voice. About how lonely she was and he just wanted to go to her, embrace her and keep her safe.

"Have you met the neighbors yet?" asked Adrian. "No, but did see them from afar," said his brother. "I wonder how they are related," said his sister. "Why? Do you like one of them?" asked the brother. "You know I have a boyfriend. I'm just inquiring that's all," she answered. "We will greet them properly once they have settled down," said his father. "I'll bake something for them," said the mother. "You all, keep your day free tomorrow," she added.

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