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        "Ian, I hope you did not get angry at Jessica. All the girls went together to the cave. It was a group thing," said Gabby approaching Ian and ⨊ with Gabby 2, Emma and the two guys with Wes tagging along. Wes had been with Emma ever since ⨊ told her off. "Even though you were really angry at her for not listening to you. You should let it slide. It is a trip. Everyone just wants to have fun, it's understandable," said Emma. "If I knew you were going to get that angry I wouldn't have said anything," continued Emma. "Its Jessica's fault for not listening. I mean you only said that cause you were worried about her," added Gabby 2. Ian and ⨊ watched them as they said one thing after another.

(In what way does he seem angry with me? I'm in his arms at the moment. Brats trying to stir up the pot.) ⨊'s expression just became gloomier. "I'm not angry with Jessica. It was my fault," said Ian holding ⨊ tight, trying to calm her down. "It wasn't your fault Ian. You were only worried about her. Right, Jessica?" said Emma. "It was your fault," said ⨊ ignoring Emma and looking back at Ian. "I know. Sorry," said Ian ignoring Emma and holding ⨊ even tighter. Making ⨊ smile.

"Ian, I got this for you," said Emma holding a colorful stone that was from the cave. "I don't like such things, " said Ian. "I am a guy after all," he added with a fake smile. "Right, of course, let me know what you like. I will get it for you if I can," said Emma. (Is she seriously asking that? And flirting with him in front of me.) Ian buried his head in ⨊'s neck and just ignored Emma and the rest.

"Can we let her die? If not I don't mind getting rid of her," said Ian when they had left. "Depends if you get to her first or I get to her. Just let her go through the event, don't soil your hand with her. She isn't worth it," said ⨊ forgetting how she was supposed to behave. "Just joking about getting rid of her," she added when she realized what she had just said. Avoiding Ian's gaze. (I am so stupid, a law enforcer isn't supposed to let anyone die. Why am I so comfortable with him? I can't believe that I actually forgot myself.) Ian just held her allowing her to avoid him and didn't ask any questions.

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