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                 "I asked ⨊ why she didn't just destroy the whole place and escape? She told me that she didn't know what would happen if she went berserk. And she was afraid she would lose herself if she lost control. And that by the time she decided to escape she had already become too weak. She told me she spent years going through the motion as she was being passed down from generation to generation for a thousand  years,"

"⨊ told me that when that doctor saw her, he took a special interest in her. And that every time, when it was his turn to experiment on her, she almost lost control of herself. But at the time when he tried to rape her, that was when she finally lost control before he went all the way. She destroyed three whole realms and affected a number of other realms even though she was weak. She told me she had no idea how long she had passed out or what happened in the end. But when she looked back on those events, all she knew was that it happened six thousand years ago and that it seemed like she ended up passing out and going into a deep slumber,"

"Now you know why she has a different form whenever she's around others or is working. And why she is only in that form when she is too weak or loses control over herself and is reluctant to show others that form. But since it's her first form, she reverts back to that form even if it's against her will, if she is too weak,"

"You lot have probably wondered why she behaves differently sometimes, how sometimes she will run away, sometimes play with you, while others times she refuses to acknowledge your presence. That is because she had developed three types of mindsets. Depending on the situation and her body. So that she would never go berserk like that again,"

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