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              ⧚I feel like a stalker for some reason.⧚ said ⨊ when they were sitting in the house. "Since you need to rest, you should rest over here," said ℥enji. "Don't worry I have already taken care of everything. This place has already been set as your place to relax," he added. ⧚What are you trying to do?⧚ ⧚Nothing. It's a fact that you need to rest and this incident will take time to clean up. So its like hitting two birds with one stone. You know I take my work  seriously.⧚ said ℥enji as a matter of fact.

⨊ couldn't find any flaws in his words and decided to drop it. Instead of making a big deal for nothing. "You lot get some stuff for the house. And behave yourselves," said ℥enji seeing that ⨊ had decided to drop the topic. ⧚Especially in this area.⧚ he added informing only the others.

"So does that mean that it's a person?" asked Rick once they were outside. "And that person lives in this area," added Janet with a sly smile. "Didn't ℥enji say that we will be staying here? We have time, let's get the things first," said Jason. "Jason's right, plus we still have work to do. On a side note its safe to assume that the person lives somewhere around this house. Since ℥enji personally decided on this house," said David walking off to do his share of the work.

"Wait, don't just say that and expect to leave. Tell us everything," said Janet catching up to David with the others. "That's all I know. Are you going to check out some places for ⨊ to visit when she has settled in?" asked David changing the topic. "That right we will need to know a few places so that ⨊ can go along with that person to visit it," said Janet running off. Each went their own ways to finish the tasks they each had taken up. To be able to settle down in the new house.

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