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       Ian watched ⨊, as her cold gaze disappeared for an instance, being replaced by a warm and gentle gaze. Ian realized that ⨊ had returned to her usual self, the one he knew. But before he could say anything, her eyes returned to her cold and distant gaze. "Get him out of here," ⨊ told ℥enji.

"Jessica, Wait..." before Ian could say anything more he was back to where he had been before the rip in the realm appeared. But no matter how much he called out to her, she never appeared in front of him again. He found the carved stone and globe back in his spatial safe again. "Sorry about that, it won't happen again," said ℥enji avoiding ⨊'s eyes. "Why is he still alive?" asked ⨊. "I'll take..." "Did I tell you to do anything?" "You seemed to be interested in him and wanted him to be taken care of," said ℥enji. "Find out where they came from and take care of it," said ⨊ leaving.

"What about Ian?" asked Jason when ⨊ had left. "Let him be. We have work to do," said ℥enji. "Are we just going to leave Ian like that? I mean, shouldn't we say something or check on him?" asked Janet when they had finished their work. "Why? Its better if we are no longer in contact with him. He doesn't belong here," said Leah. "Besides ⨊ told us to leave him alone," she continued.

"What are you all doing here?" asked Janet. "I couldn't let him be. Even though she told us to leave him alone if she woke up and found him hurt, she would be sad," said Jason. "So where is he?" asked Rick. "Don't know, wasn't he supposed to return here?" asked Janet. "Don't tell me we lost him," said Rick. "I think something went wrong, we need to inform ℥enji now," said Jason. "We can just look for him ourselves. We don't have to, trouble ℥enji," said Leah. "Leah, I know you don't trust him, but if something happens to Ian, ⨊ will be sad," said Jason.

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