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      For the next fifty years ⨊ went around doing her work as usual. As if Ian never existed in her life. Finally taking a break, cause ℥enji refused to tell her anything about work and diverted the topic anytime she mentioned work. The others behaved the same way with all of them nagging her to take a break.

⨊ went to a quiet realm that didn't have many high-level beings. ⨊ went as a man, since she didn't want to get close to anyone. She had stayed in the form of a man ever since she woke up three hundred years ago. She rented herself a little cottage at the edge of a village. It was quiet and the locals kept to themselves.

"So this is where you're staying," asked ℥enji when he came to visit ⨊. "Yes, its quiet," said ⨊. "The others?" she asked out of curiosity. "They wanted to come, but I told them to let you rest. Are you ok?" "Why wouldn't I be?" she asked with an expressionless face. "⨊ I'm the only one here, you don't have to hide," "If you're asking about...He was just a passerby. Nothing more," "⨊... You..." "You know he didn't have to keep quiet about me. I mean he didn't even know anything about me. His feelings for me weren't real. Even if he said anything about me, they wouldn't have found me," said ⨊ without realizing that she had started crying.

"His feelings for you were real. He loved you. The fact that he kept everything about you a secret even though he knew nothing about you just proved how much he loved you," said ℥enji as he held ⨊ in his arms. "What are you doing? Stop talking nonsense," said ⨊ pushing him away. "Did you forget, that I am a guy?" she continued reverting back to her distant self. "Did you forget, that I know the real you?" he asked back.

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