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           "This place is cleared up, but we still haven't found some of the contributors," said David while the place that created the illegal ∰ was being cleaned up. "How long will it take?" asked ⨊. "A few days," said Jason. "We can stay in Dracmoor while we wait," said ℥enji with a hint of a smile on his face. "We will be staying longer since it takes a while to get everything cleaned up," said Jason. "We also have to find and get rid of the distributed ∰," said Janet seeing ℥enji's expression. "I'll arrange the place to stay," said David leaving.

⨊ just walked away ignoring them. "Look all you want," said ℥enji. "Is Dracmoor where ⨊ has been going off to all this time?" asked Janet. "We can help her. Create opportunities for her to stay longer," she added when she saw ℥enji's cold expression. "I promised I wouldn't say anything to anyone," said ℥enji leaving the others and getting back to work. "That means the thing that makes ⨊ happy is in Dracmoor city," said Janet excitedly. "We should get there sooner," added Rick. "Calm down. We will be staying there for some time, so there is no need to rush," said Jason with a smile.

A small house was rented in the city. ⧚Why here?⧚ asked ⨊ with a frown. ⨊ was back to her original form. ⧚It was the only place available. You know how difficult it is getting a place in the city. Luckily for us, one of our people knew the owner of this house.⧚ said ℥enji with a smile. "The owner of this house has agreed to rent out this house to us and will be out of the city until our work is finished," said ℥enji informing the others. The house he had selected was next to that kid's house. "What wrong? Don't like the house?" asked Rick seeing ⨊'s expression. "Its nothing let's go in," said ℥enji.

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