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              "We have never heard of his name before," said Rick. "Name? If you think of someone who made her happy and the name..." said David stopping mid-sentence. "Impossible," he added looking at ℥enji. "What?" asked Leah. "Tell us," added Janet. "Don't be mean," chimed in Rick. "Name...Happy...impossible?" muttered Jason trying to figure it out. "Wait! You don't mean..." said Jason trailing off in shock.

"Tell us what you are talking about," said Janet in an eager manner. "Think about it, name, past person who made her happy," said Jason. "That we thought was no more," he added seeing their confused expressions. After a few seconds, Janet and Leah stiffened, unable to believe it. "You..don't...How...," mumbled Janet and Leah. "That's not fair, let me in as well, I promise I won't say anything," said Rick getting annoyed. "Who was the last person who made ⨊ happy?" asked Jason. "Easy that was...you don't mean that kid is..." said Rick trailing off between words as he figured it out.

"I thought she set him free like the other projects," said David. "She did, but not in the same way. She erased all his remembrances of her and their time together. As well as all that had ever happened to him," said ℥enji. "She had been watching him from a distance to make sure nothing bad happened to him," he added. "But he seemed very friendly towards her for a person he just met," said Jason. "So it wasn't just me who found that odd," said Leah.

"Maybe, he...nothing," said ℥enji confused about the matter. "Tell us we can help you," said David. "You didn't break the promise since we figured it out ourselves," he added. "I'm not sure, I just get the feeling... maybe I'm over thinking it," said ℥enji not knowing how to word it."What?" asked David. "It may just be a residue of his former self or habit or..." said ℥enji trailing off. "Or he didn't get erased," said David.

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