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             ⧚He must be restrained at the moment, unable to do anything but watch her for now. Adrian seems to remember bits and pieces. But apparently, doesn't know who he truly is. There is nothing we can do at the moment. Only she can unbind him.⧚ said ℥enji adding the last part when he felt the others wanting to say something. ⧚He can still change once he remembers everything. He might want to continue this current life of his. Once he understands what being with her would really mean for him. ⧚he added. ⧚When you see them together, its like he never left.⧚ said Janet.

Janet showed them ⨊ and Adrian's interaction with each other. ℥enji and the others couldn't help but smile. Watching ⨊ happily chatting with or frowning at Adrian. Forgetting her original persona and being happy as he embraced her and complied with her frivolous requests. ⧚If he hurts her...⧚ said ℥enji trailing off. ⧚We just have to keep an eye on them. Make sure that doesn't happen.⧚ said Leah. ⧚This time it is different. Last time, cause he had a bad life, she thought that it was the only reason he loved her, that he deserved a better life so we couldn't do anything. But this time she has no reason to reject him. If he still loves her, if he really is Ian and not a residue. He has previously proven himself.⧚ said David. ⧚Plus remembering her even after she erased his memories has to count for something. Like when he was Kian and still loved her. And recognized her. ⧚said Rick. ⧚Its up to her. ⨊ may just end up thinking he is confused with his memories. And that's the reason why he is like this. ⧚ said ℥enji.

"Why can't they just be together?" yelled Rick both physically and telepathically. "What wrong? Who can't be together?" asked Haley. "I can help," she added. ⧚You actually said that didn't you?⧚ asked Jason. "Nothing, I was just remembering a play that I saw," said Rick explaining himself when ⨊ glanced at him. ⧚It really is nothing.⧚ said Janet. After a few seconds, ⨊ went back to playing with Adrian.

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