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           "You have to decide. If you want to remain by her side, you cannot remain in the shadows. If you're here for your own selfish desires or reasons then you should leave her side," said David. "Take these few days to decide. Show yourself to her, let her come near you and see whether you want to be by her side or not," said Jason. "Keep in mind if you're by her side then the things that doctor Raph did to you will happen again. People will come after you, just cause you know her and you will be tortured for information about her. You will never be safe. And you can't always be by her side. Especially when she is working," added ℥enji.

"Don't worry she won't recognize you by your voice, appearance or vibe. She is too weak at the moment and unless someone has the intention of hurting her she won't bother looking at the person too closely," said ℥enji. "But you shouldn't behave, the way you did before when you were Ian or she will figure it out. Not unless you want to tell her," added Janet. "She won't care about your appearance. We have seen a lot of things being with her and you're not scary compared to the things we have seen," added Rick.

"What? Seems, like you want to say or ask something," asked ℥enji looking at David. "I know I'm out of place and have no right to ask...but how can a globe keep him intact mentally and physically?" asked David. "Was the globe she gave you golden?" asked ℥enji. ⧚Yes.⧚ "Did she tell you what it was for?" asked ℥enji. ⧚She said it would keep me safe and let her find me.⧚ "The globe she gave him was made up of her energy, which kept him safe and alive. It protected his mental state and kept his physical body alive. He proved himself to her and wanted to be with her to the extent that I guess her energy merged with him... And will keep him alive unless he wishes to die," added ℥enji.

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