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          "Ian, what happened? How did you get hurt?" asked Emma running over. "Don't touch him," said ⨊ with her atmosphere getting dark. As she shifted her body to shield Ian from Emma, who was about to touch him. "Let go of him. The only reason he is hurt is cause he was with you..." "SHUT UP," shouted Ian. "Continue talking and you're going to end up like Alex," said Janet. "I'm only telling the truth. If he was here, he wouldn't be hurt. Besides, she has no say in what he does or who he is with," said Emma angrily.

"Jessica did..." "Ian, do you want me to let go of you?" asked ⨊. "NO. Never," "Do I have a right to order you around in your daily life and personal life?" "Yes. I will do whatever you tell me," said Ian holding her tight. When he noticed that ⨊ never said anything about his wounds, he wondered if she felt guilty about it. "Did you hear him? He said I could tell him to do whatever I want. Right now I don't want you to touch him," said ⨊ leading Ian to a tree to sit down, ignoring the others.

"You know you didn't hurt me," whispered Ian as he sat down with ⨊. "You should sleep while you can," said ⨊ ignoring him. (I did hurt you.)She sat a bit away from Ian and closed her eyes, giving off a gloomy atmosphere. He sat next to her embracing her. "Your wound..." "Let me hold you. Please," ⨊ allowed Ian hold her but retained control over herself. Not letting herself feel.

⧚Are you ok?⧚ asked Janet sitting near ⨊ with Jason. ⧚Yes.⧚ ⧚What happened? If I can help, let me know.⧚ ⧚Nothing happened. I just cut him because he made me angry.⧚ Janet knew that there was more to it, but didn't ask since it wasn't her place. ⧚We are staying here tomorrow.⧚ ⨊ told them. ⧚Ok, leave it to us.⧚ said Jason and Janet simultaneously.

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