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             "What are you not saying? It means something, doesn't it? ⨊ sleeping isn't as simple as that, is it?" asked Adrian. ℥enji just watched Adrian knowing he didn't know what it really meant. Or why he was so worried about it. ℥enji didn't know whether he should tell Adrian or not. "I know you cannot talk to me about her work or yours. But at least tell me to what extent it is dangerous or severe for her," said Adrian. "For you to be worried, it could only mean..." he added trailing off. Getting worried about the severity of it.

"If ⨊ has to sleep right after her work. It would mean that either she overexerted herself to the extent that she has to sleep to be able to work again. Or that she got injured to the extent that she has no choice but to sleep," said ℥enji watching Adrian expression change with every word he said. His atmosphere, becoming distressed and violent. "Then why..." "Do you think I don't want to help her?" shouted ℥enji becoming angry and violent. "There are some things that even we are not allowed to know about her work. That is forbidden to us. ⨊ won't even allow me to meet her whenever she has to do this kind of work," he added trying to calm down.

"Isn't ⨊ being overworked dangerous, for her? Isn't it as dangerous for her as being injured?" asked Adrian. "Yes," said ℥enji in a dull voice. "So she will be gone for more than twenty years," said Adrian mumbling to himself. "A hundred and twenty years to say the least," said ℥enji informing Adrian. "What?" said Adrian sitting down in shock. "But it will only be two days at the least or a week at the most for us until she returns," said ℥enji. "Can I stay here? Until..." said Adrian not being able to talk. "You can stay as long as you want. Even when she comes back. I'll talk to your parents," said ℥enji, understanding how Adrian felt. Knowing that it was his first time having to wait for her to come back. Especially from such a dangerous event.

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