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            ⧚⨊ is the only one who can say whatever she wants to me or be cruel or mean, even ignore me or hurt me. And I'll never make a sound or avoid her. But if anyone else thinks they can do the same thing...⧚ said Kian trailing off and sitting back down. ⧚Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.⧚ said Kian while carefully watching ⨊. ⨊ froze when she heard the words and looked around catching Kian staring at her with a gentle look. For the first time, she actually looked at Kian since she woke up in this cottage.

⨊ looked at Kian getting puzzled as to how to ask him. "What's wrong?" asked ℥enji watching her and noticing her troubled face. ⎨Did he, talk to me?⎬ asked ⨊ looking at ℥enji for help. "Did you just talk to her?" asked ℥enji. ⧚Yes, why?⧚ "Yes, he was the one who talked to you just now," said ℥enji informing her. ⎨Can't talk?⎬ "No he can't talk, can only talk through telepathy like the way he just did," said ℥enji. ⨊ glanced at Kian becoming even more confused.

"⨊ what's wrong? Show me," saying that ℥enji took her hand in his and placed it on his chest. ℥enji could feel ⨊'s confusion toward Kian, that he felt familiar to her but not knowing why and how, that she felt it was impossible for some reason. Could feel her wanting to talk to Kian but not knowing how. "⨊ wants to talk to you but doesn't know how. She finds you familiar but thinks its impossible," ℥enji told Kian ⨊'s feelings. "I told you he is your friend that's why he feels familiar to you. If you want to talk to him, I can help you until you're ok with being close to him," said ℥enji trying to help ⨊.

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