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             "What just happened?" asked Nina once they had left. "That's why Xing became so friendly with me," said Vincent in shock from what he had just heard. The parents were still in a daze. "Mrs Arthur seemed like such a nice person and yet her son..." said the mother trailing off. "So they really do belong to the ❡ℑℑ and a high status at that," said the father. "Don't talk about what just happened to anyone. And don't use their names in any form, understand?" he added. "Yes," said Nina and Vincent simultaneously. The mother just nodded yes in reply, still in shock.

"The commander who is in such a high status bowed to ℥enji. And ℥enji serves Eumi. Which means E..." "Don't. Don't ever say it," said Vincent interrupting Nina once they were alone in his room. "Can't believe Xing turned out to be such a creep. And we have known him most of our lives," said Nina. "Can't believe that was the reason he was talking to me," said Vincent. "Guess they just saved me from..." said Vincent not wanting to word it.

"If you need anything else let us know," said Janet once they were back at the house. "Ok," said Adrian. "Aren't you going to question me? Like why I never said anything before even though it was happening right in front of me. And it did involve your brother," asked David looking at Adrian. "I don't care what happens to them. Even though I lived with them, I never felt as if they were my family. The only one who is my family is ⨊. And others have nothing to do with me," said Adrian. "So you really are back to your original self, Ian," said David with a smile. "Were you questioning my priorities?" asked Adrian. "Just wanted to make sure, that's all," said David. "⨊ will always be my only priority, no matter what," said Adrian in a serious tone.

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