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             ⧚Like I said before it's her choice. We have no right to say anything. Keep an eye on her I'll be there as soon as I can.⧚ said ℥enji. "Are you even listening?" asked Steve waving his hand in front of Leah. "Did something happen?" asked ⨊ after seeing Leah worried expression. "No," said Leah ignoring Steve. ⧚℥enji just wanted to know how you were.⧚ she added.

"We should rest soon," said Vincent. "Let's get some food. Janet, you find a place," said Leah walking off with Rick. "Call me if anyone does anything no matter how small the matter is, even if it's bumping into someone. I'll find a place for us. Look after her and don't let anyone near her," said Janet leaving the group. "Let's go over there," said ⨊ pointing to a nicknack stall.

"Eumi?" called out Haley. "Eumi they are very protective of you," said Nina standing next to Adrian. "Why is it that no one is allowed to go near you, I mean Adrian is near you and..." said Gin. "Gin, stop it. Don't bother her," said Adrian interrupting and glaring at him. "Ignore them. Tell me where you want to go next," said Adrian distracting her. "They are late," mumbled ⨊ frowning to herself. "It takes time to find a place," said Nina.

"Put me down," said ⨊. "No, I'll take you," "But..." "No, no matter how far or where you want to go I'll take you," said Adrian interrupting ⨊. "But it may cause you trouble," said ⨊. "Don't care. Tell me where," said Adrian stubbornly. "Fine, head straight down there, towards the forest," said ⨊ pointing in a direction. "You all..." "We will go..." said Vincent interrupting Adrian. "Up to her," said Adrian stopping him and glancing toward ⨊. "It doesn't make any difference to me," said ⨊ focusing on the direction she had pointed out.

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