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               Jason went over with Adrian's things and informed them of what was going on at his house. "I'm doing this of my own free will," said Adrian when he went into the house. "You only think you're doing this cause you want to when in reality they have brainwashed you," said Mrs Arthur as though she was talking to a child. Adrian atmosphere became violent and dark. "Let's sit and wait for the authorities and settle this once and for all," said ℥enji. ⧚Before she gets back.⧚ he added. Adrian calmed down when he heard ℥enji words. "Fine," said Adrian taking a seat.

All of them became gloomy thinking about ⨊. Their atmosphere became dark. "Is everything ok?" asked Nina. "Yes," said Adrian. "Did something happen to Eumi?" whispered Vincent when he sat next to Adrian. Adrian just ignored him, but became upset at the thought of something happening to ⨊. Nina just tugged Vincent to her side guessing something must be wrong with Eumi, but they didn't want to say anything. Especially seeing Adrian's reaction and how everyone was here without Eumi. And how they were currently behaving.

When the authorities got there it was the ❡ℑℑ. Mrs Arthur went to them first rambling and complaining to them about ℥enji's behavior. "You cannot just take people like that even if he is an adult legally. It's called kidnapping," said one of the guys from the ❡ℑℑ. "Call Derik over," said ℥enji. The people from the ❡ℑℑ looked at each other and at ℥enji. Outsiders didn't know their commander's real name. The fact that ℥enji knew made them cautious. "How..." "Stop it. Don't you remember what the commander once told us?" said one of the men, stopping the other from talking nonsense to ℥enji and the others. The others froze when they remembered what was said. "But he..." "It's better to be sure than make a mistake," said another one interrupting the man.

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