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"You are the only one for me, I will always be by your side, I will never leave you, I love you," he said holding her tighter. "Please don't leave me," (Silly little boy, getting confused. He really thinks he loves me. When he is free he will forget about me.) "I won't leave," said ⨊ kissing him, trying to ease his pain and calm him down.

Only it had the opposite effect cause he knew deep down she never promised to stay with him. "I promise, I will prove myself to you no matter how long it takes and no matter what I have to do," he said holding her tight as if she would disappear from his sight if he loosened his grip even a little bit. "My silly little baby boy. Calm down, I'm right here," said ⨊ in her real voice. Holding him and giving off a very gentle, warm and loving atmosphere, enveloping him in it. (Even though his feelings for me are a lie, he is warm.)

Ian froze when he felt her warmth, making him swear to himself to never let her go no matter what. Even if it killed him. She gently patted his back trying to calm him down. "Have you calmed down?" she asked kissing him and looking at him with a gentle gaze. "I finally get to be with the real you," "I don't really look like this," said ⨊ in a very small voice. "No matter how you look, what gender you are or how old you are, you belong to me. I will always be by your side and I will always love you no matter what," he said in a gentle yet possessive voice. "Oh, what if I'm a monster?" "You're my little monster, that I love," "Dolt, let go of me," she said returning to her usual self. He just smiled and held her. He knew she only behaved like that cause she didn't want anyone to know her true self.

"So you won't leave?" "I don't know. I have work to do," she said remaining in his embrace. "Then I will tag along with you in the shadows," he said with a smile while hugging her.

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