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       "He started searching for you. He even tried searching for us and ℥enji, since he thought we knew where you were. But he seemed to be spiralling the next few days searching for you," said Janet. "We told ℥enji about it," said Jason. "I told him you were asleep and wouldn't wake up even after he died. But he still wanted to know where you were. He said he would wait outside where ever you were and wait for you to wake up, even though he didn't remember you. I told him about the carved stone you gave him. I told him if he didn't remember you even after seeing it, then he should forget about you. And if he did remember you, he should think about it carefully," said ℥enji watching ⨊'s reaction. But her expression didn't change at all.

"We watched over him, the next few days and it seemed like his memory came back," said Janet. "You woke up around then due to work, but you were in a daze at that time and couldn't recognize anyone," said ℥enji. "We don't know how he got to where you were, since you were in a different realm," said Jason in a small voice. "It seemed like the globe you gave him allowed him to go to where ever you were," said ℥enji.

"Did I kill him?" asked ⨊. "NO," shouted everyone simultaneously. Making ⨊'s expression turn dark because she knew that their reaction meant that she had hurt him in some form. "You only pricked... him," said Rick with his voice getting small at the end. "You stabbed him twice for interfering in work and for being where no one should be," said ℥enji. ⨊ knew that ℥enji put it in a nice way, but the fact remained that she stabbed Ian for no reason. She didn't allow herself to think about it at the moment, since there were more important things that she had to find out about Ian.

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