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          As the guys were on their way back, Jason tried starting a conversation with Ian again. Cause every time Jason tried talking with Ian, he would get a simple reply or the topic would be diverted. "I haven't really got the chance to talk to you. You know just us guys," said Jason trying to match his pace with Ian's. "Like I said before we should get back soon, Bob will be worried about us if we stay away too long," "We know you just want to get back to Jessica. Tell us, how is she in the..." Alex started saying, but before he could finish his sentence Ian had grabbed his wrist cracking it in the process. "Sorry looks like I used too much force. You should be careful, you almost fell into the jagged rocks. You should watch yourself," said Ian with a smile as he released Alex's wrist. Even though Ian had a smile on his face his atmosphere was black and getting dangerous by the minute.

"YOU BROKE MY WRIST," yelled Alex screaming in pain. "I am sorry. I was just so worried about you, that I didn't notice how much strength I was using," "You really should watch your self and watch how you talk cause anything can happen out here in the wilderness," added Jason with a smile on his face. "Your just a new guy. Stay out of this," said Wes while backing away from Ian and Jason simultaneously. "I may be new to the group, but my sister likes Jessica and is her friend, which makes her my friend. And I don't like anyone running their mouth about my friends. Do I make myself clear? Let's go. I don't want to keep the girls waiting," said Jason walking towards the camp with Ian.

Before, anyone realized what was going on, Alex who was about to push Ian and Jason onto the jagged rocks slipped and fell killing him instantly. No one knew what had happened. Ian and Jason were ahead and had their backs to everyone. While Alex and Wes were in the middle and the other guys were at the back of the group.

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