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           "Did you find out anything new about your neighbors?" asked Haley. "No, I'm going tomorrow with my family,to greet them," said Adrian. "We were going to go and check out the area before the festival starts," said Gin. "You all go, I'm busy," "You know you can just say you don't want to..." "I said I was busy," said Adrian interrupting Gin. "You should invite them as well," said Haley. "Since they are new, we can show them around," she added. "Just say you want to invite Rick," said Caren teasing her.

The next day Adrian and his family were at the neighbor's doorstep knocking on the door. Rick opened the door and invited them inside after a few words with ℥enji. ℥enji sat down with the others and introduced themselves. "I'm Mr Zoℑ. This is my wife, my eldest son Vincent, daughter Nina and our youngest Adrian," said Mr Zoℑ introducing themselves. Mr Zoℑ told the others about the area with his family adding information every now and then. And ℥enji talked about every other thing and avoided the topic of how everyone was related and what they did.

After asking and getting no reply, Mr Zoℑ dropped the topic and talked about his work with ℥enji, Jason and David. While Mrs Zoℑ talked about shopping and raising the kids and how she worried or was proud of them with Janet and Leah. Vincent and Nina talked with Rick about places to hang out. Adrian kept looking around but couldn't find that girl whose voice he had heard. "Is something wrong?" asked ℥enji. "No, nothing. Just that the other day I thought I heard someone talking," said Adrian vaguely. "Who?" asked David. "A little girls voice," said Adrian disappointed when he couldn't find her or see her anywhere around.

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