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           Emma left with her friends with a hurt expression. They went over to the other girls and started chatting. While the girls were at the stream a few of the guys went hunting. Dan was with the guys while Bob looked after the girls. Ian went with the guys this time. When they came back the girls were all sitting together gossiping like little kids. Emma asked Dan about Ian since he wasn't with the guys. "Don't worry, he went to the stream ahead of us," said Dan.

As soon as Ian came back, Emma approached him with Gabby1 and 2, saying something with a dramatic gesture along with the tagalong friends. ⨊ could guess what Emma was telling Ian but couldn't care less. She was more interested in how this hike was going to play out. ⨊ glanced around aimlessly while keeping an eye on Bob when Ian sat down next to her.It was the first time she saw Ian with an annoyed expression.

"Your girlfriend will get angry with you if you sit next to me," said ⨊ knowing Ian wasn't interested in Emma but just wanted to see what he would say. Ian was surprised since this was the first time ⨊ took the step to talk to him. "Emma is not my girlfriend. I am not interested in her any form," "You don't have to explain yourself to me, but if you sit next to me or hang around me you could lose a potential girlfriend all over a misunderstanding," "I know I don't have to explain but I just don't want you to misunderstand. Ah, did Emma say something to you? Don't listen to her. I mean this is her first hike and she is a bit too excited about it. I meant the tour," said Ian fumbling with his words.

"Must be hard rejecting others in a non-offensive way. Not being able to say what you want because you're supposed to be playing a role of a nice and friendly guy?" said ⨊. Ian froze for a second looking at ⨊. "I am not playing. I really am like this," "Right playing may not be the right word. Should I say, pretending to be approachable and friendly?" said ⨊ as she got up and walked away. Leaving Ian staring at her back.

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