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           On the day of the festival, Adrian's friends decided to meet up at his house since Haley and Steve wanted to talk to Rick and Leah. Vincent and Nina decided to leave with Adrian and their parents would come along with ℥enji, Jason and David later on in the evening. Everyone was waiting outside for Rick, Janet and Leah to come out. "Shouldn't we just knock on the door?" asked Gin. "Relax, they are only a few minutes late," said Haley.

After sometime Rick came out with Janet and Leah. With Janet carrying Eumi who was asleep. "She is?" asked Caren. "Our neighbor," said Vincent not wanting to say anything more on the topic. "Watch her. Don't let her out of your sight and don't let anyone near her," said ℥enji stroking ⨊'s cheek as she slept. "This isn't our first time. We will take care of her. Just don't be too late," said Janet."I'll make sure he doesn't cause her any problems," said Leah eyeing Rick. "I'll be good," said Rick. ⧚Don't worry. We will take care of her and make sure she gets some rest.⧚ said Leah. ⧚Besides he is here. Considering the way he was, if he's still the same, then she won't be able to exert herself.⧚ added Janet. "I'll be there as soon as I can," said ℥enji.

"Let's go," said Leah to Janet and Rick, turning to the group that was waiting for them. "Hi Adrian, sorry we kept you waiting," said Janet. "You didn't. We just got here as well. Eumi?" said Adrian. "She is still a bit sleepy, so I told her I would wake her up when we got there," said Janet. "We are a bit away from where the festival is being held. Why be awake? She may as well get some sleep," said Leah.

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