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             ⧚You guys can come in now.⧚ Kian was the first to rush inside. Looking around, he found ⨊ sitting in a corner sobbing. ⧚⨊.⧚ Kian called out to her, but saw her flinch in response. "She won't let anyone near her at the moment," said ℥enji informing Kian and the others. "Why is she on the floor?" asked Rick. "She ran away when it was over and sat on the floor. Away from me," said ℥enji with a sad smile. "She will be like that for some time. Watch her. I'll be back. Don't go near her or talk to her. Just let her be until I get back," said ℥enji leaving them.

⨊ sat on the floor weeping. "⨊ I know..." But before Janet could say anything more a black barrier surrounded ⨊ shutting everyone out. All of them rushed to her only to be tossed back by the force of the barrier. Kian rammed against it non- stop even though it hurt him. ⧚℥enji, ⨊ just got covered with a black barrier, we can't get near her.⧚ said Jason informing ℥enji as the others tried getting close to ⨊. ⧚Did one of you talk to her? It's her own self-defensive ability. She is safe inside it. Let her be. Don't break it.⧚ he informed the others simultaneously.

"Kian it's ok, she is safe. Stop," said Jason as he tried to stop Kian whose atmosphere became violent and dark. Kian just ignored the others and continued to try and break the barrier getting hurt in the process. "It's her own self- defensive ability. Stop," said Janet.

⨊ who had fallen asleep as soon as she had created the black barrier was woken up with Kian ramming against the barrier. ⨊ saw Kian wounded and ℥enji trying to stop him  when he got back. ⨊ allowed herself to hear what was being said outside the barrier.

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