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            The day started off as any other with ⨊ and Kian sitting in the cottage. With ⨊ having a one-sided conversation when it became noisy outside the cottage. "You know I can hear you, right?" said ⨊ as she opened the door. "Sorry about that. We came to visit you," said Rick.

"We didn't know you had company," said Janet walking in with the others. "We didn't mean to intrude, we will leave," added Jason when he saw Kian in the cottage. "Behave yourselves he is a friend," said ⨊ shutting the door. "And talk telepathically," she added. "Everyone this is Kian. Kian this is Janet, Jason, Leah, David and Rick some idiots that I know," said ⨊ introducing everyone to one another. Kian seemed hesitant when he saw the others entering the cottage. "If they are rude to you in any way let me know," she added when she  felt Kian's hesitation. Kian's atmosphere changed when he heard ⨊, she felt him smiling at her.

"How did you two meet?" asked Janet while the others were watching Kian. "He can't talk and didn't I tell you to talk telepathically, otherwise, he won't be able to hear you and stop staring at him. He doesn't want anyone to see him," said ⨊. ⧚Isn't that dangerous? I mean you don't know...⧚ "Talk properly, don't exclude him. We aren't talking about work. You think I don't know if he has any malicious intent towards me just because he hid himself?" said ⨊ getting annoyed and interrupting Leah.

"Sorry, I..." "Don't mind her," Janet told ⨊, interrupting Leah and stopping her from saying anything more. "Sorry if she was rude to you," added David. "Rick might end up talking nonsense as well, since he is the youngest. I'm Jason," said Jason who pointed at the youngest which was Rick, while introducing himself and apologizing to Kian.

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