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             "℥enji we will find her," said Leah when she saw him anxious. "You don't understand she is too weak at the moment and it is very dangerous for her to be alone. If..." said ℥enji stopping himself. "It's not like the other times when she was weak and you were around her...it's different," he added.

⧚Keep everyone away from the cottage.⧚ ⧚⨊ are you...⧚ ⧚Do you understand?⧚ said ⨊ cutting him off. ⧚Yes.⧚ he said feeling her return back to her cold and distant self. "⨊ is fine. You lot should get to work. You have been slacking off long enough. And don't go near the cottage or you will be punished. I'll inform them to stop searching for her," said ℥enji in his usual work manner. "Did she contact you?" asked Jason worriedly. "Yes," "She told us to stay away from the cottage?" asked Janet. "She got her memory back," said ℥enji putting an end to everyone's doubts. "Then... Kian...What?" "It's not our place," said ℥enji interrupting Rick.

The others kept silent and could guess what was going to happen. ℥enji ignored the others worried expression and went about doing his work. "Will she...will Kian be ok?" asked Rick not knowing how to word it. "⨊ remembers everything. It depends on whether she wants to keep him alive or..." "Don't say that. ⨊ loves Ian. Even you guys saw how she was when she was with him. ⨊ was closer to him than ℥enji when she had no memory. Even though ℥enji has been with her for a very long time. And has the mark," said Janet interrupting David.

"I know she likes him. But I also know how she is when she is working or decides that something isn't necessary anymore... Even if she likes that someone or something," said David trying to explain to Janet, wanting her to see things for how they really were.

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