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          ⧚I'm not letting go. You're staying with me.⧚ said Kian as he felt no fear from her towards him and only felt her care for him. ⧚If you want to sit on the floor, I'll sit with you.⧚ he said when he saw ⨊ frowning at him. While ⨊ was in a daze, Kian sat on the floor with her in his lap. ⨊ pushed him away, becoming even more confused and looking at ℥enji for help. "Kian..." ⧚I'm not letting her go.⧚ he said in a cold voice interrupting him. "Let go, unless you want her to hate you or run away from you," said ℥enji getting angry with him. Kian watched ⨊ struggling to push him away. ⧚Sorry.⧚ he apologized with a sad smile letting go of her.

⨊ got up and sat away from him, even though she knew he meant her no harm she was confused by his behavior towards her. "Are you ok?" asked ℥enji going to hold ⨊. ⨊ just frowned at him and pushed him away. "Sorry, I hurt you," said ℥enji trying to get close to her. ⨊ just looked away. "If you don't tell me why you're angry how can I apologize or explain myself," he asked. ⨊ allowed him to come close to her. ℥enji felt her being scared and lonely. "I'm sorry I left you alone. I only went out to get this for you," saying that he pulled out a sparkling and colorful globe. "We were here..." "She doesn't know any of you, in her view, I left her alone with strangers," said ℥enji interrupting Janet.

⨊ took the globe, but still looked at ℥enji with a frown. "I know you're still angry at me and you can continue to be angry, even punish me but please sit on the couch. Its cold on the floor," said ℥enji trying to coax her. ℥enji helped ⨊ on to the couch and moved away. "How long are you going to be like that? Let me look at your wounds," saying that ℥enji went towards Kian. ⧚I'm fine.⧚ "I told her I would take care of your wounds, unless you want her to feel guilty or worry about you,"

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