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               ⨊ just looked at the ongoing situation, ignoring ℥enji and the others. Jason and Janet came to see the three that returned. "We should discuss the overall situation..." "Go in the ௹ace to talk unless you want others to hear you," said ⨊ interrupting ℥enji. "Sorry," said ℥enji leading the others to the ௹ace.

"Why are you back? Didn't I tell you to stay by Ian's side and look after him?" asked ℥enji. The three glanced at each other. Scared and reluctant to say what happened. "What?" asked Jason. "Tell us," said Janet. "He was attacked by the ❡ℑℑ," said the teen. "You didn't reach him in time?" asked ℥enji in a cold voice. "We did," stuttered the teen. "Then?" asked Janet. "Say what you have to and don't waste time going around in circles," said ℥enji.

"We killed the ❡ℑℑ group that hurt him," said the woman. "Ian had been sleeping for two days straight," said the teen. "He doesn't remember," said the man. "What?" asked ℥enji, Janet and Jason simultaneously. "It's temporary right?" asked Janet. While ℥enji and Jason, expressions became dark. "He said he loved her. How can he forget about her?" said Jason. "If he never remembers her? She..." said Janet unable to continue talking. "How is she?" asked the man. The others looked at ℥enji waiting for his reply.

"She wants to go back soon.This entire year that she had been here, she has been looking forward to going back to see him. Even though she won't admit it to herself or anyone else," said ℥enji. Everyone became depressed at the thought of her finding out. "Let's see how it goes and what she decides to do. I won't do anything against her will and I hope you all remember that rule. No matter how you all personally feel about the situation," said ℥enji in a cold voice, looking at the others giving off a threatening atmosphere.

"We will abide by the rules no matter what," they said simultaneously with their heads bowed, trembling in fear. They knew that the only time ℥enji ever gave off a threatening atmosphere was when he was very angry. ℥enji only behaved docile in front of ⨊ and the only time he got angry was when anything caused ⨊ any kind of pain.

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