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              ⎨You are not a...⎬ "You don't know me," said ⨊ stopping Kian from completing his words. "Don't listen to these kids nonsense, they overreact and their sanity is questionable. I bet you would never have guessed that I'm not alive nor can I ever die. That I'm a mere existence, nothing more, yet that dolt ended up dead protecting a monster like me. I bet he's rolling in his grave wishing he never kept silent about me. Bet he would have hated me and ended up wanting to kill me if he were alive," mumbled ⨊. Rambling on while eating and finally becoming quiet, immersed in her thoughts as her atmosphere became lonely and sad.

"⨊?" asked Janet cautiously."What? The sweets are nice. I like them," said ⨊. "⨊ you..." "Glad you like them. I'll get some more," said Janet as David covered Ricks mouth stopping him from talking. "Whats wrong?" asked ⨊ looking at Kian when she felt his atmosphere become dark. "Are you in pain? Where are you hurt? Or did someone say something to you?" asked ⨊ when she felt as though Kian was in pain.

⎨Fine⎬ etched Kain, his atmosphere becoming sad. Kian realized that the others avoided mentioning to ⨊ what had just happened as it seemed like she was unaware and did it subconsciously. "Did any of you say something to him?" asked ⨊. "No, probably he was just remembering the time before he met you," said Janet. "You said Kian saved you twice, so he had been with you ever since he met you?" asked Jason changing the topic.

Kian atmosphere changed giving ⨊ a gentle vibe. "He followed me, but kept a distance from me for a month. But he did save me and then I think he got scared of me since he thought I could see him and left," said ⨊ in a small voice. ⎨Never left you.⎬ etched Kian. "I know, but it felt like it," said ⨊. "Left?" asked Leah. "He followed me in the dark and since I couldn't see him, I thought he had left. But when those people attacked, he came and saved me. And has stayed with me in the cottage ever since then," said ⨊ happily.

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