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           "Wait! Do you like her? But she is just a kid?" said Vincent. "Get out," said Adrian avoiding the topic. "It's probably just me, but he was very scary just now," said Nina when they were out of Adrian's room. "It...its just his first time liking someone that's why he is so overprotective. Besides, he had never been interested in anyone before that's why we have never seen him like that," said Vincent refusing to admit that Adrian scared him as well. "Don't spout nonsense about her and don't get jealous over a kid. If anyone finds out..." added Vincent trailing off looking at Nina.

"Are you stupid? Why would I ever get on Adrian's bad side, now that I know he is like that. And I'm not jealous over a kid. I just found it weird," said Nina. "Don't tell me you didn't think it was weird the way they behaved around her," she added. "You mean weird the way the guys in the academy follow Celest around?" asked Vincent. "I prefer that kid any day over Celest," said Nina getting annoyed. "That tramp actually stole my previous boyfriend," she added. "I don't want to cause Adrian any problems. Like you said he finally found someone he likes," said Nina. "True, we have to support him. Especially with the way, dad feels about them," said Vincent. "Mom will support Adrian. She has been trying to set him up forever," added Nina.

Four days past in no time. During those days Adrian saw images of him and Eumi. Though he did look different from his current appearance, he knew that it was him. He knew those dreams weren't a fantasy, but were memories about his life with her. There were only bits and pieces. Images of him saying he loved her, would never leave her, her crying in pain and getting happy over being with him. Her being in pain when she decided to leave him. Her frowning at him for his nonsense and yet never leaving his side, even though she appeared annoyed by him. Him always embracing her whenever he could. There were some distressful images, but they were blurred. Like he didn't want to remember it. He didn't know why they parted or how they met, but was sure that they were in love with each other.

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