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            "SHUT THE HELL UP," shouted Adrian getting angry at Celest. "Why won't you let me teach her a lesson? Why are you letting her talk to you like this?" asked Adrian getting confused when he felt ⨊ tightening her grip on his wrist and stopping him. "Sorry, I'm not angry at you or anything. I just don't like anyone to think that they can talk to you that way or talking to you that way," said Adrian explaining himself to her in a haste. Worried that she would misunderstand the target of his anger.

"Am I ruining your life?" asked ⨊. "I would never..." "Focus and just answers the questions," said ⨊ in a serious tone. "No," "Do you hate it if I tell you that you can't date someone I don't like?" "No," "Do you hate it when I order you around?" "No," "Did you hear that?" asked ⨊ looking at Celest. "Of course he won't say yes. You're a kid and he doesn't want to hurt your feelings. I am teaching you as a big sister would. Correcting you of your wrongdoings," said Celest as a matter of fact. "I would never lie to her," said Adrian getting out of control. "Calm down," said ⨊ patting his arm and trying to calm him down. "Why..." "Cause I will leave, but you still have to stay here," said ⨊ knowing what he wanted to say. Adrian froze when he understood the reason why she kept stopping him from saying anything. The fact that she had thought so far ahead for his well-being. Made him happy and hurt him simultaneously.

"So that's why you're behaving like a rotten brat, ruining his life and running your mouth. Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners? You should treat me like a big sister and listen to me. If your good, I'll take you under my wing," said Celest all high and mighty.

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