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               "She blames herself for everything that happened to you and will not allow her self to be with you or have feelings for you," said ℥enji watching Adrian. "But it's not her fault. I mean if only I had kept the date or never disturbed her or..." "It's no use thinking about the past. You know its not her fault, I know that, the others know that, but she still blames herself. Cause according to her if you had never met her, none of that would have happened to you," said ℥enji interrupting Adrian rant.

"But if I never met her, I wouldn't have known this kind of love and happiness," said Adrian. "I'll tell her..." "Stop," said ℥enji stopping Adrian from saying anything more. "Did you forget? Her feelings for you have been buried. She thinks that they don't exist. I know you love her and want to be with her. But you cannot act rash. Unless you want her to erase your memories again or erase her feelings for you," said ℥enji trying to get him to calm down.

"Because you remember her, you want to be with her the way you two were before you parted. But to her, you are a stranger she just met. It would be weird if you told her you loved her when you haven't been together long enough. If you tell her you remembered everything she will think that the only reason you love her is because of a residual memory or unfinished business or because your last wish was to spend time with her before your feelings for her disappear. And look at your current age. How can you protect her when no one would take you seriously? It will only cause her trouble," said ℥enji trying to make him understand the real situation he was in.

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