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                Adrian saw two images and was shocked, but was even more upset seeing her humanoid form. Cause he wanted to protect her and knowing that the monster form was her made him want to protect her even more, no matter which forms she was in. He hated the fact, how others would easily judge her if they saw either of her forms. He realized why she was scared of showing them to anyone. And why she didn't trust anyone.

"You don't have to look at me like that. I don't hate her and I am not scared of her. And I would never use her," said Adrian seriously. "What if your family finds out and..." "They are not my family. I told you I never felt like I belonged with them. If they hurt her in any form I'll kill them myself," said Adrian interrupting ℥enji. His atmosphere becoming dark and violent. "Do you want to see how you actually look?" asked ℥enji with a smile. "What do you mean?" asked Adrian.

"I never told you this, but the only reason you stayed alive after being experimented on was because she protected you," said ℥enji. Telling him about the globe that kept him alive and stopped her from wiping out his memories of her and only burying them. How he was the one who decided on his appearance. How she hid his true appearance to keep him safe and cast an illusion that aged with him.

"Show me," said Adrian, thinking about his Ian form and Kian form. As ℥enji told him about his past he could see the things he mentioned like memories flooding back to him. He saw an image which combined his Ian and Kain form. "Get angry and see what happens to your appearance," said ℥enji. Adrian did as he was told and saw his Ian/Kian form changing. With black marks appearing on him everywhere and his eyes becoming black with no sclera. The atmosphere in the image was black and violent constantly.

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