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              ⧚⨊...⧚ Before he could say anything more ⨊ had cut off his voice and stopped his movements. ⨊ stepped out of his embrace and looked around the cabin. "Surprised? What did you think would happen once I remembered? That I would be happy you are alive or that we would continue where Jessica and you dropped off?" Ian couldn't stop trembling in pain as he watched ⨊ looking at him as if he was a stranger and was heartbroken when she referred to their time together as Jessica and his.  As if it had nothing to do with her.

"Why are you still alive? A monster like you should be dead. I mean you are of no use to anyone. What? Did you really think I wouldn't see you as a monster?"  asked ⨊. Watching his expression become twisted in pain. Ian wanted to hold her, to apologize, to tell her that everything is ok and that he would never leave her. That she didn't have to say and do such things. Ian realized that ⨊ didn't know that they were still connected, that he could feel the pain she was in as she spoke.

"You know, all of doctor Raph experiments are dead, you are the last one. I set the others free and I will set you free as well. What? Did you think I wouldn't notice this?" saying that she touched her chest and Kian felt a burst of pain from her. "Don't worry Jessica will be dead when I've set you free. All the feeling, emotions and memories of you and your time with her will cease to exist along with you. It's no use trying to get free, no one can escape once I've caught them," said ⨊ watching Ian struggling to move. "You don't have to worry about her it will be as if she and you never existed. Besides,  be truthful to yourself you hated her. No wait, you hated me for putting you through all that. Jessica and I are one and the same, but she can be erased, unlike me."

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