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               That night ⨊ wanted to sleep alone in her own tent, without Ian who had been sharing the tent with her ever since they ran into Alex that night. "Leave," said ⨊ when she saw Ian entering the tent. "We always sleep together," said Ian sitting down. "Not anymore," "Jessica..." "That's not my real name, now leave," "I know, but when you tell me your real name I will know that you trust me," said Ian with a smile. "That will never happen," "I have to work hard to prove to you that you can trust me and lean on me," said Ian ignoring ⨊'s words.

"Leave..." "Didn't I tell you before, that people always huddle together to keep warm?" "Then go huddle with Jason," "No, only you," "Then go huddle with Emma or one of..." "Never ever suggest to me, to go to another being," said Ian angrily, forcing her to look at him. "I know you're scared..." "I'm not scared. Ever tell anyone about how I was today and I will kill you myself. Got that?" said ⨊ angrily trying to push Ian away. "Don't worry your gentle side is my little secret, that I will take to my grave," said Ian stroking her cheek. "Only people who don't know the real me would call me gentle. Now let go already,"

"I know I don't know the real you, but no matter how the real you is, I will always remember that this gentle, kind and warm side is also part of the real you, that you keep hidden from everyone," he whispered in her ear as he held her. (Until you see the real me, then you will run away screaming.) She just ignored him. "I'm too tired to play with you," saying that ⨊ led down. Ian led down next to her holding her. "What are you doing?" "Sleeping with you," he said going to kiss her. "Why are you hugging me? If you're going to sleep here, then sleep like you did before. Away from me," said ⨊ stopping him from kissing her. "No," said Ian moving her hand and kissing her. "Goodnight," he added snuggling up to her.

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