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             "Like today the item she was stabbed with. If you had taken that hit, it would have killed you. And then she would be left alone and would still end up getting hurt," said ℥enji. Trying to explain the situation like ⨊ once did to him. "Its better to stand down and save her sooner than getting killed and leaving her alone to suffer for an unknown amount of time. I know it sounds cruel," said ℥enji. "Don't worry it took us a long time to do as she wanted. Even now she has to restrain us," said David. "Do you believe what she said?" asked ℥enji watching Adrian.

"No, even if she meant it, I'm ok with it," said Adrian. "⨊ did..." "I know. ⨊ didn't mean it. What hurts me, is the reason she was forced to say those words. It would only end up hurting her having to say such words," said Adrian interrupting Rick. "It seemed like she didn't want you to ever show your appearance to anyone. Perhaps someone is targeting people with your kind of appearance," said David. "If that is the case then it can be anyone from buyers, doctors, exterminators or religious people," said ℥enji.

"Seems like I didn't need to make this trip," said ௹enji appearing next to Rick looking at Adrian. "How is ⨊?" asked everyone simultaneously. "Asleep at the moment. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to come here," said ௹enji staring at Adrian. "What?" asked Adrian in a cold voice. "You really should learn to control your atmosphere. You give yourself away quite easily to beings with perception," said ௹enji. "So beings like Adrian are being targeted?" asked ℥enji. "Is that what ⨊ is currently working on at the moment, to get rid of those people?" he added.

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