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             The next morning ⨊ was woken up with the loud chatter in the camp. When she looked around, she found Ian sitting next to her awake. (I can't believe I slept for so long and with someone around me. He even slept next to me.) "Good morning, did you sleep well?" asked Ian looking at her. "Why are you still here? If your up shouldn't you have left?" "But you were sleeping. I couldn't leave you on your own," "What do you mean on my own? We are in a camp with people," "I didn't want to leave you alone," he repeated.

"Whats going on outside?" she said ignoring his words. "Don't know. Want to have a look?" "Yeah..." "Together?" he interrupted. She stopped talking when she heard his last word. "You have a bad habit of interrupting," she said annoyed. "If I let you complete your words, then you will leave when you're finished. I can't let that happen," (Wait a minute, am I actually bickering with him and woke up with him next to me? And slept with him with my guard down? Without any defense? God this is bad.) ⨊ sighed to herself. "Are you ok?" he asked. Putting his hand on her head and rubbing her head. Like you do with a child. Looking at her gloomy face. (Dolt why are you getting so familiar with me. Stop treating me like a kid. Jackass. Brat.) "Are you cursing me internally again?" "Don't get comfortable around me or act familiar with me," "Did you just realize how close we are with each other?" asked Ian hugging her. "I can't get up with you holding me like that," Ian released her but held her hand. Getting out of the tent with her.

When they got out ⨊ saw two new faces, a man and woman in the group. "I don't know them," whispered Ian standing in front of ⨊. (Is he trying to protect me?) ⨊ couldn't help smile at the thought of Ian's actions and behavior. (Even last night when Alex was around, he did the same thing. Silly little boy.)

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