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Jonah POV
While I was driving to the coffee shop, I felt like something was off but I couldn't tell. It hurt my brain that I couldn't figure it out so I just decided to go get some coffee and clear my head.

I walk into the coffee shop, getting hit with the strong smell of brewing coffee. I go up to the counter and place my order, paying and giving the barista a tip. As I look down and put my wallet back into my pocket, I run into someone. We both stumble backwards, "Watch yourself." The girl said as she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, my fault."

"It's okay, I should of watched where I was going too."

"I smiled and leaned against the counter." I'm Jonah.

She smiled back, "I'm Kelani."

I chuckled and went to open my mouth but she started talking.

"Yes I know its a weird name, but what's your excuse?" She said grinning.

"I like to think my name is unique. But I love your name and it's not weird at all." I said putting a hand on my heart.

"Well I like it your name too." She said as she came closer, reaching around me and grabbing her coffee of of the counter.

"Something is bothering you, I can tell." She said, reading my mind.

"Yeah but its nothing big, I don't even know myself."

"Well I hope you figure it out soon, I'll see you around Jonah." She said and started to walk away.

"Can I at least get your number?" I asked looking at her.

"Bye Jonah." She said with a sweet voice, teasing me.

I chuckled as I turned back around, grabbing my coffee and walking out of the shop. I get back into my car and start driving back to the apartment complex.

Jack POV
"Jack I don't want you mentioning what today is to the rest of the boys." Leigh said as she pulled me off into a different room.

I knew she was upset that they forgot all about today, but I also respect her decisions.


"Thank you. Now if you don't mind I'm going to head back to our place. I'm not really in the mood you know?"

I nodded. Of course Leigh would hate this day, I don't know why I expected her not too.

We walked out of the room and back to the main living area.

"Hey Dani, I'm going back to my place." She said as she kissed the top of his head.

"How come? Do you want me to come with you?" He asked, looking at her.

"No I'm good, just tired and going to go take a nap." She said giving him a half smile.

"Okay, well I love you."

"I love you too."

Leigh turned around and started walking to the door, but then Jonah opened it up.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Back to my place." She said as she pushed through him, closing the door behind her.

"Damn, what put her in the mood?" Jonah asked as he set down his coffee cup.

Him just assuming she is mad for no reason pissed me off, but I promised that I wouldn't say anything so I just bit my tongue and stayed quiet.

"Dude Seavey, have you thought of how you're going to celebrate your anniversary in Hawaii yet?" Corbyn asked.

"I have most of it planned out so far, just need to make a few more details."

"Yeah cause your anniversary is the 16th, our show is the 18th. We get there on the 14th and leave the 20th." Jonah said as he sat next to Zach.

"How many more days until we leave?" Zach asked.

"What's today date?" Jonah asked, looking at Cornyn who was checking his phone.

"May 9th." I replied blankly, looking at all of them.

Jonah looked confused then he finally realized it. "Shit shit shit." He said as he stood up.

"Wait what's-" then Daniel realized it. "Holy f-"

"What is it?" Corbyn asked.

"For all of you that forgot, today marks one year of Leigh getting into her car accident.

Jonah gripped his hair, mad at himself.

"Also the day I first to Leigh I loved her." Daniel spoke up.

"And you didn't remind us?" Zach questioned me.

"Remind you? I didn't think anyone would need to be reminded of this day!"

"He's right, we need to go see her. Who knows what kind of pain she is going through."

"Probably more then normal, since we all forgot." Daniel said then looked at me, "Well since us four did."

"Come on you guys, I have the key." I said as we all walked out of the apartment.

We all walked back to mine and Leigh place. I unlocked the door and we all go inside, closing the door behind us.

"Jack is that you?" Leigh said as she walked out of her room.

She looked up and stopped in her tracks, looking at me then at the rest of the boys.

"Did you tell them?" She asked me bluntly, arms crossed.

"No, well sort of." I said which caused her to turn around and walk back inside her room.

"Leigh wait." Jonah said as he pushed through us, catching the door right before it closed and pushing it back open.

"Go away."

"No, I want to be here for you, we all do."

"Then how come you couldn't remember? One of the hardest day happened a year ago today and you all forgot." She said as we all walked to her bedroom door.

"And even if it was the worse day ever, it was also one of the best." She said looking straight at Daniel.

He looked at the floor, knowing what she meant. He knew how hurt she was, we all knew.

"Is that why you got all upset on the walk when I mentioned Kaylee?" He asked.

My eyes widen and I looked at him, he did so not just bring up her name.

"Yes." She said, tears coming to hear eyes.

"Leigh..." Jonah said as he tried to hug her, but her refusing.

"Let go Jonah." She said trying to shove him off, she started to cry harder.

After knowing Leigh for so long, we all know this is how you get to her. You never stop hugging her, you let her hit and punch you because once all the anger is out, she collapses into your arms, no matter who you are. She cries and needs someone to lean on. We all learned this one by one, I learned it from Jonah.

"LET GO!" She said as he kicked, only making him hold her tighter.

"Jonah..." She said getting weak.

She went weak and hugged Jonah, crying hard into his shoulder. We watch them two sink to the floor, Jonah rubbing her back. We all go around them and turn it in a group hug.

"I'm sorry Leigh." Daniel said.

"We all are."

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