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Jack's POV
"Dude it's not that fucking hard!" I yelled at Zach who was trying to do the tiktok dance I was trying to teach him.

"See this is why you don't volunteer yourself Zachary." Jonah said as he sipped his coffee from the couch.

"Dude, even Christina already learned it." Corbyn said as she sat in his lap, her laughing.

"Yeah and now I have to wait for your dumb ass to finish learning which is gonna take so damn long I could take a nap if I wanted."

"Shut up." Zach said as everyone was attacking him.

"DANIEL STOP!" I heard coming from the hallway, all of us looking at each other then at the door.

"Oh fuck..." Jonah said as he stood up and pushed passed us.

"GO THE FUCK AWAY!" I heard Daniel yell next. I'm surprised our neighbors haven't filed a noise complaint yet.

Jonah opens the door and Daniel busts in, red in the face and his eyes were watery. He wiped them away, trying to hide that he was sad over the anger. He throws the bags to the floor and that's when Leigh walks in, Jonah closing the door behind her.

"What is going on between you two?! You left here being all happy and now you're screaming." Jonah said as he step in front but to the side of his sister.

"Your sister is a piece of shit!" Daniel yelled as he pointed a finger in her face.

I was Jonahs jaw drop, and all of ours did too. Jonah jumps to Daniel but luckily Corbyn got in the middle and held him back.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" I yelled, getting in his face.

"WHAT DID I DO!" She said as tears filled her eyes.

"Don't act clueless!" Daniel yelled as he tried to push out of my way but I didn't move.

"What. Did. Fletcher. SHOW YOU!" She screamed. 


My eyes widen as I look at her, even she looked shocked. Jonah stopped fighting against Corbyn and looked at her too, "What?"

Leigh's POV
"WHY LEIGH! I have gave you nothing but love and my WHOLE HEART and you throw it away at a party I WAS EVEN AT WITH YOU!" Daniel yelled as he tried to fight back tears.

I was so confused as to what he was saying, "What do you mean!"

"Stop acting dumb my fucking god!"

"Dude chill out, Leigh wouldn't do that." Christina said as she walked over to me, "Right?"

"Then explain this!" Daniel said as he pulled out his phone and shoved it into my face. I look at the photo as Christina looks over my shoulder, her gasping. Yes, it was me but I swear I don't remember this happening, or if I kissed the guy in the photo because it was blurry.

"Daniel no..." Was all I could manage to say.

He yanks his arm back and tosses his phone to Jonah, where the rest of them look at the photo. "That can't be you Leigh, please tell me it isn't." Zach said with a sorry look in his eyes.

"NO! Well it's me but I- that kiss-"

"SEE!" Daniel yelled.

"DUDE! Calm down and let her explain!" Jack said as he stood between us. 

I put a hand to my head and tried to remember, but it wasn't coming to me at all, everything was blank. "I don't remember that! I know I should but we all know I couldn't remember things from that night!"

Daniel laughed as he put his phone back up. "Bullshit!"

"Daniel I would NEVER cheat on you! I love you!"

"NO YOU FUCKING DON'T! I gave another chance at us, thinking things could be different but no, you had to ruin it with some random guy at a party while I went to the restroom. The only time I wasn't by your side and you couldn't keep your legs closed!"

"I didn't sleep with him!"

"BUT YOU KISSED!" He yelled at me. "Still a cheater!"

Zach put an arm on his shoulder but he tugged away, no one was going to get in the middle of us right now.


"Because there is a fucking photo of you kissing the guy while you have NO prove that you didn't! Hell you can't even back up yourself cause you got alcohol poisoning or drugged! And of course none of the boys were there to see you."

"Leigh you gotta remember this shit. Please." Jonah said as he looked at me.

"I'm trying but I can't. You know I would never! I hate cheaters and I love you Daniel." I said as I took a step towards him, only making him take one step back.

"Well I don't love you!" He said, making it feel like I just got stabbed in the heart.

"WHY DID DO YOU IT!" He screamed at me.

"THIS ISN'T MY FAULT! Stop letting the public change your view on me! I did nothing wrong!" I yelled back, tears wouldn't stop flowing from my eyes.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" He yelled back, tears falling down his face.

"WHY NOT! I DON'T LIE LIKE YOU DO! I have forgiven you on MULTIPLE occasions!"

"FUCK YOU! I'm tired of being the bad guy but I'm done with it! No matter what happens or how mad am I at you, I still stay with you! I need a break from all of this..."

I heart my heart shatter, "A break!? What the-"


"DO IT THEN!" I yelled, so mad and angry that he wasn't believing me.

"Yo you guys need to chill-" Corbyn said but we didn't listen.

"And to think I trusted you! Fuck this stupid ring!" He yelled as he took it off his finger and grabbed my wrist forcefully, putting it in my hand. "I would not want to spend another second with you, let alone MY WHOLE LIFE!

"FINE! ME EITHER! I should of stayed broken up with you after the first time! Besides it's not like I had options with your friends!" I yelled at him, clearly not thinking before speaking.

"Leigh-" Christina said but I stopped her.

"No. Fuck you Daniel and fuck everyone else here. I'm done." I said as I wiped my tears and walked over to the door, opening it and walking out. I run down the hall and open my door, as soon as I go in I hear Jack down the hall, "Leigh stop!"

I lock the front door and go to my room, locking that door too as I slide my back against the door. I've never felt this type of pain, yeah I've had my heart broken by him but this was different. This one truly made me want to just curl up in a ball and die.

I hated Daniel James Seavey.

But I hate myself even more.

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