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When we finally got back to the complex, we hurried instead and all the way back to Zach's place. When we walk in Jonah and Christina were comforting Kelani and the rest of the boys were talking to Kylar.

"What's going on?" Zach asked as he closed the door behind us.

"We signed with Randy." Kylar said.

"Why?" The both of us ask.

"I wanted to get into music and he said he would take me. Kylar signed because we do everything together and he wanted to make sure it was okay." Kelani said. "But when we did, he started laying down all these rules and telling us what to do. He spoke to us both but then separately, and we aren't even allowed to say anything about it to each other or anyone. Hell I've probably already said too much right now."

"It's alright, like I said that's what he makes you do. You should of just told me before hand." Jonah said.

"What did he say to you both?" I asked. "Look most of us have been there, mostly me. We just recently all talked about it and around Randy, we act clueless. Truth is, we all know everyone's secrets and it's for the best that we do." I spoke up.

"Okay but we aren't used to this." Kylar spoke up. "And I don't wanna do things that I know are gonna fuck people over."

"Like what?"

He sighed and walked over to me. "That's the thing. He said whenever I was with you next I had to call him."

I was confused about this, he was already making me been seen with Zach so what could Kylar play a role as?

"But he said something about you and Zach calling first, I don't really know."

Zach grabbed my hand and we started walking to the stairs, "We'll be right back."

We walk to the end of the hall and into his room, him closing the door behind us. He pulls out his phone and calls Randy, impatiently waiting for him to answer.

"Hello Zach, glad to see you made a comeback already on instagram. Also tell Leigh that I love her pos-"

"What do you want from us? Kylar told us to call you for some shitty reason, and Leigh is with me too right now and can hear you."

"That's good, listen to me. You and Zach will continue your public posts about each other. Going out more together and getting seen more, especially by fans. This will happen until it's time for you to go to Asia Zach, that's when you can stop."

We both look at each other, mouth wide.

"Like... stop completely?"

"Well yes, that's what stop means right Leigh? Anyways just wanted to inform you. Now if you could just put Liegh and Kylar on the phone that would be great Zachary."

"I'm gonna hang up and Leigh will call you."

"Okay bu-"

Before he could speak, he pressed hang up. Zach and I look at each other, excited but scared.

"I don't know if I should of happy or not."

"Me too, but I'll go get Kylar and you stay here okay?"

I nodded my head and he walked out of the room. I get my phone and dial Randy's number, Kylar walking in just on time.

"Hello, is it just Kylar there with you?"

"Yes sir." He said a little scared.

"Perfect and again, welcome to your contract Mr.Woods. Now here is what I'm gonna need you two to do."

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